The Last Traitor (1971) (1971)

The Last Traitor (1971) (1971)

 Ned Carter (Donal O’Brien) is waiting with a bunch of guests for Mary Belle, his bride. When they are noticing that they are exactly 13 people at the table, an unlucky number, some think it’s an evil omen. And indeed, when the stagecoach arrives, the bride has been murdered. After the marriage is canceled, some of the 13 men are killed, others are investigating the case, assuming there is a connexion between the killings and stolen gold from the civil war days.

Views: 700.
Country: - Italy
Released: - 1971
Genres: - Western
Actors: - Dino Strano, Donald O’Brien, Maurice Poli
Director: - Updating
Tags: - 1970s , English , Italian , Italy