Diary of a Mad Old Man (1962) (1962)

Diary of a Mad Old Man (1962) (1962)

 Diary of a Mad Old Man is the journal of Utsugi, a seventy-seven-year-old man of refined tastes who is recovering from a stroke. He discovers that, while his body is decaying, his libido still rages on — unwittingly sparked by the gentle, kindly attentions of his daughter-in-law Satsuko. He develops an obsession for her feet.

Views: 11.8K.
Country: - Japan
Released: - 1962
Genres: - Asian
Actors: - Ayako Wakao, Keizô Kawasaki, Sô Yamamura
Director: - Updating
Tags: - 1960s , Based On Novel , Japan , Japanese