Deacons for Defense (2003) (2003)

Deacons for Defense (2003) (2003)

 The words “Black Power” bring back memories of names like Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, and Eldridge Cleaver, but in Bogalusa, LA a group of harassed Afro-Americans had decided they’d had enough and took up arms to defend themselves and force the white power structure to listen to them. This took place during “Freedom Summer”, 1964, right after the Civil Rights Act had become law. Fact based movie stars Forest Whitaker and Ossie Davis, the former as the founder of the Deacons of Defense and Justice (DDJ) and the latter as a peaceful minister trying to prevent the unavoidable violence that will follow.

Views: 513.
Country: - USA
Released: - 2003
Genres: - Drama
Actors: - Chris Britton, Forest Whitaker, Jonathan Silverman
Director: - Updating
Tags: - 2000s , Based On True Story , English , USA