Chinese Erotic Ghost Story (1998) (1998)

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story (1998) (1998)

 Set in ancient China and allegedly inspired by the “Strange Tales of Liaozhai”, this softcore skin flick revolves around a dude (Lam Wai Kin) who is ordered by his boss to steal the statue of Judge Lu (the top law enforcer of Hell) from a temple. In the process, the statue is dropped and broken, freeing Judge Lu’s spirit. To return the favor, Lu (Elvis Tsui) grants the dude some manly “superpower” that lets him conquer all women in town.

Views: 49.1K.
Country: - Hong Kong
Released: - 1998
Genres: - Asian Erotica
Actors: - Ben Ko Chu, Chun Chung, Vicky Hung
Director: - Updating
Tags: - 1990s , Cantonese , Hong Kong